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Healthcare: 5 Smart Services

Smart Services

Providing one-stop smart services, remote diagnosis, health management and First-aid and international hospital referral for high-end patients

Smart Doctors

​Empowering doctors to relize their dreams of becoming private doctors by remote and on-site professional training and guidance

Smart Hospitals

Empowering doctors with the most up-to-date training, latest technology and mutual professional guidance

Smart Products

Using AI, big data cloud computing, IoT . to build a cohesive digital platform to integrate our unique smart products

Smart Business

Building an ecosystem to integrate financial, insurance, legal, supply chain, public welfare and other service

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Integrated Healthcare


With hundreds of hospitals and clinical services delivered through an integrated Offline-Merging-Online platform, we provide a full spectrum of  healthcare capabilities. Etao international serves as a convenient “front door” that connects members to the healthcare they need—from on-demand visits with a licensed doctors to complex case consultations with the world’s top specialists.

Expert Medical Services


When Etao members face complex medical needs, our expert medical services help them make confident decisions. Expert specialists, matched to the unique needs of each case, review medical records, pathologies, and test results to confirm the accuracy of diagnoses and treatment plans. Etao members and their families gain confidence that they are on the right path to better health outcomes and lower costs.


Guidance and Support


Finding a doctor, gathering medical records, managing health risks, and maintaining wellness are common challenges around the world. Our Offline-Merging-Online healthcare services enable members to access a wide range of expertise and gain essential guidance to better navigate and resolve their healthcare needs.

Platform and Program Services


With an end-to-end licensable Offline-Merging-Online healthcare platform and operational support services, Etao international helps private hospitals and clinics  deliver care conveniently and securely, empowering them to grow their business and brands with unmatched quality and scale.

Chart & Stethoscope
Doctor taking blood pressure of older pa

ETAO + Membership Services


For convenient access to high-quality healthcare, millions of people around the world have connected with Etao international. Etao+ members can resolve healthcare needs through on-demand or scheduled visits with licensed doctors spanning multiple specialties.

ETAO Finance Service 

ETAO finance service is in the process and more details will be released soon. We look forward to helping more healthcare brands all over the world with first class finance service and consulting service.

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